“Rawaya wa Bidaya”
Competition image
[UPDATE] The challenge is now live on facebook! and we’re happy to showcase our first comic:

Murtadha Fills In

For the past twenty years, the Arab world has been undergoing major development – sponsored by governments and non-profits alike. Yet, we continuously see a gridlock in the execution of projects: much funding is held up in ever-tangled bureaucratic webs, and priorities seem to be constantly misplaced.

Yet, we know that it is the independent mind and spirit that has long acted as the region’s engine. Its innovative will has been at work since ancient times, bringing us the algebraic zero and the Mesopotamian wheel – invaluable concepts that run our everyday lives today. Makers, shapers, thinkers – dreamers and doers, they offer hope for a better today and undoubtedly, a better tomorrow. 

We want to hear your stories of how the projects started in your garage playground are transformed into real solutions. Stories of actively and positively impacting the community around you, stories of engagement and courage. But we want the full story – unfiltered, untainted and unencumbered: what types of challenges did you encounter in trying to apply your ideas to the world around you?

A challenge will be held in hopes of turning your Rawaya [story] into someone else’s Bidaya [beginning].

Sharing your challenges turned into opportunities will help every dreamer, and keeping living records of the Arab world’s creative genius will allow your stories to inspire others around the world. 

Submit a video by using Social Cam and sharing the link on GEMSI’s Facebook page.

The challenge will conclude with the top 10 posts illustrated as a comic and a live-streamed discussion from Baghdad to Hackerspaces and other community spaces around the world.



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