AHA is moving

Hello friends and curious people. In 2009 I felt something beautiful while living in Cambridge, MA. The beautiful feelings of possibility and creativity, friendship and support, and ultimately of finding my people. And I wanted other people to feel that too. And so I traveled, I explored hackerspaces around the country and together with friends started the All […]

GEMSI Plans for Baghdad and Beyond.

  GEMSI works to develop engagement, service and entrepreneurship by fostering and uniting communities of makers around the world, running workshops about accessible technology, and promoting storytelling. Currently, our focus is on the Middle East and North Africa. This fall, we are starting new initiatives in Baghdad, Beirut, and Cairo. Imagine you are a young […]

“Rawaya wa Bidaya” – Stories & Begninnings a Challenge to Share Stories of Service and Making

“Rawaya wa Bidaya” [UPDATE] The challenge is now live on facebook! and we’re happy to showcase our first comic: For the past twenty years, the Arab world has been undergoing major development – sponsored by governments and non-profits alike. Yet, we continuously see a gridlock in the execution of projects: much funding is held up in ever-tangled […]